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Morning Routine: How to Wake Up at 5:45am

This blog post is the exact morning routine that will change your life!

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Are you tired of being tired? Feeling unproductive? Or having a morning routine that just does not do it? I am here to give you the perfect morning routine to kick start your day. This morning routine CHANGED MY LIFE and I now cannot live without it.

As a corporate, 8-5 girly, I needed a solid start to the day or I will not be able to feel my best! Going into the office after rushing in the morning to get ready was not allowing me to be the best version of myself in the office.

I would come home after work and feel dead, no motivation or energy to workout. I would also be dragging in the morning: hitting snooze, tired on my commute to the office, and yawning through my meetings throughout the day.

NOW….I wake up (not hitting snooze is so hard at first) and push. I kick my morning routines butt which leads to me kicking my work days butt.

Working a full time job is not for the weak. Building a routine is what will help create a strong, confident, and productive lifestyle.

Quick Morning Routine Tips to Live By

There are 4 quick tips that will help you get up early and get the day started. As you read the routine, you will see where these coming in handy in the morning!

  1. Don’t hit snooze.
    • You will feel much worse if you lay back down and try to go back to sleep.
  2. Set out clothes the night before for your workout.
    • No need to waste time in the morning trying find or figure out an outfit. Save time and have it ready for you in the morning.
  3. Go to bed at the same time.
    • Going to bed at the same time every night allows your body to be on a routine and stay consistent.
  4. Fill up your water the night before.
    • Have your water ready for the morning to avoid going straight for the energy drink or coffee.

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Here is the Morning Routine that will Change your Life:

5:45am The Alarm Goes Off

The Hatch Alarm is the best clock to have on your nightstand. It is so easy to customize your morning routines and have each day scheduled, I use it everyday.

As soon as the alarm goes off, GET OUT OF BED. Do not lay back down or hit snooze.

Right after getting out of bed, make your bed. You are less likely to get back into bed if the bed is already made.

I also love making the bed first because it is the best way to start off your morning routine, it immediately refreshes the space and makes me feel put together.

6:00am Go to the Bathroom

Go to the bathroom and actually go to the bathroom (maybe TMI but that is what I do first), brush your teeth, put on deodorant, and workout outfit.

Put on your morning clothes and get out of the pajamas. Pajamas are for sleeping and stepping out of those clothes will trick your mind into thinking it is time to get going.

Going to the bathroom is really just the excuse you need to get out of bed!

6:05am Drink Water

Your body is SO dehydrated when you wake up, the first thing you need to do is chug.

The best stainless steel water bottle is the Stanley Cup. This is my ride or die, my stanley comes everywhere. 40 ounce water bottle will never let you be dehydrated.

Anyone will tell you that a healthy habit is to drink water first. Normally we grab coffee or an energy drink, but our body is really craving water.

6:10am Morning Movement

Most of my morning routines include a workout or some kind of movement to wake up my body. Currently on a spin class kick which is done in my apartment complex gym. If you are physically going to a workout class, make sure to adjust the timing accordingly so you don’t have to rush the rest of your morning routine. Workouts in the morning are the best start to the day, you never regret a workout…..NEVER.

Workouts/Movements Options to Include in your Morning Routine:

  • Spin
  • Walk
  • Run
  • Lifting/Weight Training
  • Stretch
  • Yoga
  • Pilates

Even if the movement is small or short, waking the body up during your morning routine is beneficial for both your mental and physical health!

6:50am Me Time

10 minutes…..that is it! Give yourself 10 minutes to have a “Me Moment” in your morning routine.

The best Me Time:

  • Journal
  • Deep Breathing
  • Planning
  • Praying
  • Stretching
  • Listening to Music
  • Cool Down

Current Favorite: The Five Minute Journal and Deep Breaths

7:00am Wake up your Space

Nothing beats the feeling of opening the curtains, LET THE LIGHT IN! Bring on the day by opening the blinds!

If you did not make your bed yet, do it now.

Fluff the cushions from the night before.

Take a couple minutes to really open your space for the day.

7:05am Shower and Skin Care

Every girls favorite part of the day is their morning skincare routine. Take your shower, wash your face, scrub your body of the sweat, and feel refreshed for the upcoming day.

I also like to play music while showering and getting ready, it it such a mood booster.

7:10am Get Yourself Ready

When you already picked out your outfit, you are truly saving 5-10 minutes which is huge when you are on a time crunch in the morning. If you are working from home, this may be much quicker, but still change out of your clothes and put on a fresh outfit.

If you are a corporate girly, you may be curling the hair and layering the makeup on. I straighten my hair most days simply because it is easier. Everyday is a different length of time on getting ready. If my hair is a quick style (slick back or pony tail), I take time on my makeup and vice versa.

“Put your face on” my nana use to say. This is exactly how I feel once I get ready and no longer look like a sweaty person.

7:40am Grab the Day Essentials

Fill your water, make your coffee/tea, pack your lunch, and grab your work bag if you are a commuting corporate girly.

If you are working from home, fill your water, make your coffee/tea, and head to your desk space.

7:45am The Day Begins and your Morning Routine is Complete

Building the ideal morning routine is that easy. Will it be easy every day? Absolutely not. All you need to do is start.

Start your day in a positive way and put yourself first. This morning routine CHANGED my life, I have never felt more ready to conquer what the day has in store for me.

Let’s do it together! No more sluggish morning or tired afternoon slumps!

& that is the morning routine you need that will change your life!

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